Candles are one of the oldest sources of lighting in human history. First, waxes made from animal or vegetable oils were later replaced by waxes made from petroleum. But in recent years, herbal candles have become popular as an eco-friendly and natural alternative. That's why we at Madam Merry also sell candles made from natural and herbal materials.

What is Natural Wax?
Natural candles are produced from vegetable materials such as soy, sunflower, coconut, barley or beeswax. These materials are less toxic and environmentally friendly than candles made from petroleum. In addition, natural candles burn longer and give off a more pleasant scent compared to candles made from petroleum.
Natural waxes have many benefits. For example, many people choose to relax by meditating on their stressful days. Natural candles are an excellent tool to make meditation even more effective. In addition, thanks to the aromatherapy properties of natural candles, you can create a relaxing environment in your home.
Candles are also a great option for decoratively illuminating your home or office. By using candles in different colors, sizes and shapes, you can add an original atmosphere to your home or office. Also, candles are an excellent way to create a romantic atmosphere.
What is the Difference of Natural Wax?
Synthetic waxes, which are widely used in the market, are produced using petroleum-derived paraffin. However, it has been proven many times that this substance is harmful to human health. Paraffin, which is used in industries such as cosmetics and textiles, can seriously threaten human health due to the chemical toxins it emits into the air.
While it may cause skin irritation and wounds, it may cause respiratory tract disorders if inhaled. Being in the air for a long time and turning into a carcinogen after drying creates a great risk for health.
What is Lavender Soy Wax, What are its Properties?
As MadamMerry, we sell natural and herbal products. We offer carefully selected quality products to help our customers lead a healthy life. Our natural candle sales are among these products.
We recommend lavender soy candles to create a relaxing atmosphere during times of distress such as stress, anxiety and restlessness. Lavender has been known for its relaxing effect for many years and therefore lavender candles can help you calm down in times of stress and anxiety.
MadammMerry produced from natural and organic materials lavender soy wax is preferred not only for its relaxing effect but also for its natural structure. Our candles, which are free of synthetic perfumes, not only emit a pleasant scent to your home, but also provide a healthy environment.
What is Citrus Soy Wax, What are its Properties?
Soy candles are also extremely popular because they are environmentally friendly. These waxes are highly soluble and recyclable, thus minimizing the amount of waste. Soy waxes are also safer than other types of wax, as they do not contain chemical additives or animal products.
The burning time of soy candles is also quite long. This allows our customers to view soy candles as a more economical choice compared to other types of candles. Therefore, our customers can save money by purchasing fewer candles.
Also, It is possible to give a pleasant fragrance by combining citrus soy wax, unscented or with natural essential oils. In this way, you can create a relaxing atmosphere in your home or office. Soy candles are safe for use by chronic respiratory patients, pregnant women and small children, as they do not contain any toxic substances.
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