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Green Tea Cologne 200ml - Glass Bottle

Green Tea Cologne 200ml - Glass Bottle


A scent that will set aside perfumes. With the serenity of light floral and fruit notes, you will feel in harmony with this fragrance. Green tea cologne will make you addicted. You will travel to wonderful lands with this exquisite fragrance. Its natural and soft scent gives a unique freshness.


 The refreshing, delicate scent will envelop your body and energize you. With the arrival of summer, this fragrance will be your favourite. Green tea cologne has started to gain a solid place in the cosmetics industry. Especially with its scent and refreshing effect, it is the first choice of many people. You will be in harmony with the scent and you will feel more energetic.


 Green tea is a healthy herb. Cologne is also very effective. The energy and vigor that comes with green tea will penetrate your soul. Green tea cologne, which gives a mystical and magical scent, will enchant you.

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Ürünlerinde bitkisel içerikleri kullanmaya özen gösteren Madammmerry ürünlerinde hiç bir hayvansal malzeme kullanmamaktadır.


“An excellent product, the skin absorbs easily, the feeling it leaves is nice, I love it.”


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